Vision & Values

Intentional: Rather than merely seleafeking shelter, we come to be part of caring and sharing community.

Ownership: Most of the residents own their apartment, with the corresponding commitment, engagement and responsibilities that come with ownership. A smaller proportion of residents are renters, who are welcomed as full community participants, and valued for the vitality and fresh perspective they bring.

Community: We see ourselves as individuals within a community, with unique gifts, skills and perspectives to contribute to the well being of the whole. We enjoy the company of others and seek to learn from their life experience. We respect each others privacy and while paying attention to each others needs. We strive to be tolerant of expressions and lifestyles that are different than our own, and actively work to resolve disagreements and conflicts with respect and good will. And we recognize that we are nested within a larger neighborhood and within the village of Langley that surrounds us. We aim to be good neighbors, actively contributing in the ways we are able.

Multi-generational: Appreciating the wisdom that comes from every stage of life, we foster a community that welcomes and supports each individual, from child to elder.

Mixed Income: We welcome those who wish to be a part of this community from a wide economic spectrum. There may be residents who can afford to live anywhere, but choose to live here because of where and who we are. And there may be residents who struggle with making ends meet. A thriving community requires opportunity and engagement across this broad range. We endeavor to make ownership and rentership affordable to as many as possible.

Ecologically Responsive: Humanity has passed the point where we can be wasteful with the resources we’ve been given. Balancing up-front and long-term costs, we strive to make individual and collective choices to live with an environmental footprint as light as possible.

Socially Healthy: Knowing that a community is only as healthy as its members, we commit to taking responsibility for our personal growth and development — physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We commit to communicating with respect, compassion and authenticity. We hold the intention of identifying solutions together, and resolving differences and disputes with mutual respect. And last but not least, we seek to enjoy and celebrate the gifts of life together.

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